Incentivizing quality care

In 2017, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid implemented legislation that changed the way doctors who worked with Medicare got paid and focused on reimbursement for quality services, screenings, and health factors. However, policy improvements are only as good as the experience that delivers them.

In partnership with three agencies, we developed a product for clinicians that allowed them to report their quality activities, assess reporting measures, and improve their scores. I defined the brand and product direction for our contract, oversaw the UX/UI design for our team, and assisted in iterative user research activities in an agile environment.
qpp intro
After identifying our audiences and their journeys, I worked with the team to define clear product outcomes that would be used as measures of success and brand guidelines that would inform a design system and pattern library. The direction for product experience was focused on three main user principles- ease, transparency, and incentives. The experience mimicked the feel and ease of a commercial piece of software and provided clinicians with a simple login and shopping cart style approach for reporting and payment feedback.
ALDF desktop
qpp mobile screen
The reporting experience allowed visitors to view aggregate performance first followed by individual clinician and measure reporting data. The navigation gave those reporting for multiple clinician practices an easy way to switch between each entity in order to report and correct data quickly. Finally, deadlines and in progress scores were presented in almost every view to ensure reporters knew when a particular piece of data was required.
QPP dashboard
QPP reporting dashboard
qpp mobile dashboard
QPP dashboard
QPP reporting dashboard
In two years, this product served over 1.5 million users with highest customer satisfaction scores of any online product created by the agency.